
Do You Need a Financial Plan?

  • Julie Wielehowski, CFP® ChFC®

Whether you are ready to retire, young and just beginning to work and save, planning or raising a family, or just thinking about that next phase where you have the freedom to reduce working, completing a financial plan is an essential part of being in control of your future. Taking inventory and assessing your means & needs are essential to your financial well-being.

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Advisor Compensation

  • Julie Wielehowski, CFP® ChFC®

Nearly anyone can call themselves an “Advisor”. So what do all the fee disclosures mean? Here we explore different compensation models that investors come across. This is meant to apply to investment management, not necessarily financial planning engagements.

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Investment Management- What to Expect- Part 1

  • Julie Wielehowski, CFP® ChFC®

Once you have made the decision to have your assets professionally managed, there are several steps involved in completing the transition. This guide is meant to shed light on what you should expect in the first few months. In this post, I will cover the initial steps.

Paperwork (me), Signatures (you)

As you may expect, there is significant paperwork involved in transferring accounts. My goal is to make it as easy as possible on you, by pre-filling documents and presenting them to you, ready for signature. We can do this via Fed-Ex, or we can schedule some time together in my office or your home if you are local to the area.

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Investment Management- What to Expect, Part 2

  • Julie Wielehowski, CFP® ChFC®

This is part two of the series, covering what happens just after the transfer process is complete.

Implement the Plan

Once your assets have transferred, I begin reviewing what has come over and prioritizing actions to bring you inline with your more ideal allocation, in a cost efficient manner.

Typically gross imbalances are targeted first, for example, if you are so far from your target allocation that I am concerned about the risk profile of your portfolio, starting there makes sense, while keeping cost basis front-of-mind to ensure that we are not creating an unplanned tax liability.

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Investment Management- What to Expect, Part 3

  • Julie Wielehowski, CFP® ChFC®

This is the third and final installment of the “What to Expect” series.

Monitor, Update, Re-balance

Now that your portfolio has been aligned with your target portfolio, I will continue to monitor how your investments are doing. I will check regularly to see that you are not drifting too far out of alignment. Re-balancing will occur semi-annually, if needed, or more frequently, if circumstances warrant.

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